Thursday, 19 July 2012

Pul on the Pull

Barry Barry writes 

It was made known at the Kawasaki game that our mascot Pulchan (although I can never quite get on with that spelling - it's pronounced PALchan) has been a busy boy! Our big-eared hero has got himself a bird, and he's set to introduce her to us at the Nagoya game, August 11th. In the meantime, here's a special glimpse of her silhouette:
Image from the official announcement

The reaction in the stands was actually pretty funny, with plenty of people (women) making disapproving noises at the news. I'm sure she'll be a hit with the kids, though, and a whole lot of merchandising can only be a good thing, money-wise. What's her name going to be? Who knows. I'm going to guess at Shimichan.

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